Women’s health encompasses a broad range of topics, but one that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves is pelvic health. From pregnancy-related discomfort to chronic conditions like endometriosis, many women experience pelvic pain and related issues. Physical therapy can offer effective strategies to manage and alleviate these problems. Let’s discuss the common pelvic health
Read MorePhysical Therapy
The Science Behind Infrared Therapy: How Light Heals Pain and Inflammation
When you think of pain relief, you might immediately think of taking medication or applying a topical cream. But have you ever considered the power of light therapy? Light therapy, specifically infrared therapy, has been gaining popularity in recent years as an effective way to alleviate pain and inflammation. But how exactly does it work?
Read MoreHip Replacement Recovery Made Easy: Expert PT Guidance Near You
Undergoing hip replacement surgery can seem like a daunting process, but with the right physical therapy and guidance, recovery can be a smooth journey. If you’ve recently had a hip replacement or are considering the procedure, this article is for you. Let’s explore hip replacement surgery and help you understand the role of hip replacement
Read MoreShoulder Pain 101: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with a jolt of pain in your shoulder? Maybe you felt a nagging ache after a long day at work or a weekend spent doing strenuous activities. Shoulder physical therapy can help with shoulder pain. The shoulder is an incredibly complex joint made up
Read MoreConquering Chronic Shoulder Pain: Physical Therapy Solutions Near You
Shoulder pain can be a nagging and debilitating condition that can severely limit your daily activities. It can result from a number of factors, including overuse, injury, or even poor posture. While medication may offer temporary relief, physical therapy is often the best long-term solution for chronic shoulder pain. If you are experiencing shoulder pain,
Read MoreManaging Arthritis Pain Through Physical Therapy
Arthritis is a progressive joint disorder that degrades cartilage and joint lining, which provide efficient, smooth, and supportive musculoskeletal movement. The most common form is osteoarthritis, and it impacts more than 32 million Americans with joint pain, stiffness, and deformity. Managing OA and other forms of arthritis is possible through physical therapy. Sound interesting? Read
Read MoreWomen’s Health Physical Therapy: Addressing Unique Needs
Women have physical therapy needs that are unique to their gender, age, physical condition, overall health, and more. The challenges of pregnancy, menopause, physical trauma, and more can change how a woman’s pelvic floor muscles support posture, sex, continence, and more. In this blog, we will explore how physical therapy can help the particular health
Read MoreWhiplash and Neck Pain: Effective Physical Therapy Strategies
Whiplash is a common cervical spine injury usually resulting from a rear-end car crash, other high-impact/speed collision, or physical abuse. Neck pain and very limited mobility are common whiplash symptoms, but thankfully, physical therapy is an effective treatment option. Here’s how PT can help you regain mobility and reduce pain as a person with whiplash.
Read MoreBalance Training in Physical Therapy: Preventing Falls and Enhancing Stability
Approximately 50 percent of people ages 65 and older will have at least one fall each year. These falls sometimes result in life-changing injuries. To prevent falls and improve the balance and strength of the average senior when walking, standing climbing stairs, and more, we recommend balance training with one of our highly skilled physical
Read MoreAdvocating For Physical Therapy: The Importance of Patient Education
Physical therapy is important after surgery, a physical injury, and when dealing with an ongoing condition, such as arthritis, cancer, or stroke. At H2 Health, we advocate for patients, so they receive the right therapies and the education they need for the best possible therapeutic outcomes. In this blog, you can learn about the important
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